2012 Top Tech Trends in the Cloud

Mobile devices, web apps and community-based sites will dominate 2012. G+, a business Q-and-A that is part of Gerson Lehrman Group, Inc., has released an infographic visualizing top tech trends of 2011 – and 3 trends to watch for 2012.

The tech trends highlight 8 tech categories that rock in 2011, such as group buying (the go-to platforms: Groupon and LivingSocial) and cloud-based productivity apps (the go-to platforms: Google Docs, iCloud and Dropbox.) For 2012, G+ offers 3 tech trends to watch for 2012: Big data boom, Internet TV, mobile commerce.

Check this tech trends infographic for the bigger picture (please click to enlarge):

tech trends infographic

Via G+ 

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