Cloud Computing: A Secret Weapon for SMBs

Microsoft has just released a clean, but very useful cloud computing infographic showing you cloud computing trends among small and medium businesses (SMBs.)

The cloud infographic shows you some facts why small business and the cloud are a match made in heaven: They are both important for the economy. As SMBs continue to be the backbone of the economy, their growths mean the accelerated economic recovery. Now, SMBs turn out to be more comfortable with the cloud, as more and more SMBs are going to the cloud – and plan to use more cloud services in the future. When adopted in the right way for the right reason, the cloud will clearly help SMBs to be more competitive. Indeed, the cloud is SMBs’ secret weapon!

For more facts, please refer to Microsoft’s cloud infographic below (click to enlarge):

cloud computing infographic

Via Microsoft PressPass Image Gallery 

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